First time in Tamil Nadu, Meenakshi Mission Hospital performs performed Double- Barrel STA-MCA Bypass Surgery - MMHRC

First time in Tamil Nadu, Meenakshi Mission Hospital performs performed Double- Barrel STA-MCA Bypass Surgery
Neurosurgery, News
1094 Views March 20, 2023

First time in Tamil Nadu, Neurosurgery team at Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre (MMHRC) performed a complex brain surgery called “Double- Barrel STA-MCA Bypass Surgery” to save a 50 years old woman with Complex Cerebral Aneurysm. The patient was brought with history of headache, aphasia, loss of vision in the right eye and weakness in the left side limbs. She was apparently normal 1 month back and symptoms progressed rapidly. Initially she was treated in her native place, then referred here for further management. MRI brain and Digital Subtraction Angiography was done which showed right Giant thrombosed supraclinoid aneurysm with acute infarct seen in right basal ganglia.

Date: 01.03.2023
