Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre (MMHRC), Madurai has signed an MoU with Hope Africa University, a higher educational institution in Burundi, Africa in the areas of telemedicine, education, training, cancer care as well as speciality consultation.
The MoU was signed as a result of Dr S. Gurushankar, Chairman, Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre and Dr Victor Barantota, Rector, Hope Africa University meeting in Africa a few months ago. Basis of their discussion on the cutting-edge technology, medical expertise and world-class treatment offered by MMHRC, Dr Barantota expressed much interest in visiting MMHRC. The MOU was then signed between Adel, General Manager, Operations, MMHRC and Dr Victor Barantota, in the presence of Dr B. Kannan, Medical Administrator, MMHRC.
According to the MoU, Meenakshi Mission Hospital will help Hope Africa University in developing and delivering certain courses for medical and paramedical students and setting up medical labs. In addition to extending its support in education and training, the hospital would also provide telemedicine, cancer care, and speciality consultation, and conduct medical camps in Africa offering world-class treatment at very affordable prices.
Commenting on the MoU, Dr S. Gurushankar, Chairman, Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre said, “I believe this is a very good opportunity for cross-cultural influence. It is wonderful to find a partner who believes in the same ideology of providing world-class healthcare facilities at an affordable range. We regard the opportunity to work with Hope Africa University mutually beneficial. In the globalised environment where pandemics are frequent, having exposure to health practices in other parts of the world is an asset for medical professionals.”
Dr Yamuremye Fulgence, Director, The Van Norman Clinic, Bujumbura, a Senior Board member of the University, said, “We are inspired by the infrastructure and services provided at Meenakshi Mission Hospital. We want to emulate this model. In the coming months and years, our university will fully make use of the knowledge sharing arrangement for the benefit of our students and the patients we serve.”
Hope Africa University offers bachelor’s degree through its various departments including Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Midwives, Department of Nursing, Department of Physiotherapy, Department of Public Health and Health Services Management, and Department of General Medicine.
Date: 18.02.2020