World Breastfeeding week celebrated at Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, Madurai - MMHRC

World Breastfeeding week celebrated at Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, Madurai
News, Pediatrics & Neonatology
849 Views August 7, 2022

The annual World Breastfeeding Week is observed from August 1 to August 7 and was first observed in 1992. The goal of World Breastfeeding Week 2022 is to “Inform, Anchor, Engage, and Galvanize.” The theme is “Step up breastfeeding educate and support.”

Dr Kannan A, Senior consultant and Head Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, MMHRC, interacted with the patients on the occasion.”Within an hour of birth, a newborn should start receiving breast milk, and this should continue for the next six months. However, there are a few things that a breastfeeding mother has to remember both before and after giving birth. The mother also benefits from breastfeeding “. The mother must be in the right position, and the baby must be securely fastened to the breast. An estimated 20,000 maternal deaths and 8, 23,000 infant deaths can be avoided each year because to breastfeeding promotion. It enhances baby and child survival, growth and development, and health.

Dr. Uma Muralidharan Pediatrician, MMHRC, created awareness of the advantages of breastfeeding for expectant and lactating women. The importance of breastfeeding, pumping breast milk, and the scientific, emotional, social, and psychological factors a woman goes through during her lactation period were all covered in the session. In addition, the course covered the physiological and psychological advantages nursing has for a baby.

Source: The Hindu

Date: 07.08.2022
