Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition


The Nutrition and Dietetics Department at Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre is the one stop solution for curing all kinds of health illnesses. We provide comprehensive care and diet service to both outpatients and inpatients. The department focuses on increasing awareness among patients about the benefits of following nutrition and diet. The goal here is to promote a healthy lifestyle in people to cure and prevent disease. Moreover, the professionals help strengthen and develop healthy practices to encourage good health.


Our nutritionist collaborates with different health care departments like endocrinology and nephrology to ensure a faster recovery. They also work with oncology, cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology, critical care, etc., for better care.

In patient services:

The department of medical nutrition therapy works hand in hand with the hospital kitchen to provide pre inspected and tasted food to the hospitalized patients. The department offers customized diet care to all the patients. Different kinds of diets are prepared as per each patient’s clinical condition and in certain cases even personal preferences are considered. Every effort is taken to make the food delicious which is well accepted and appreciated by the patients and their relatives. The hospital kitchen follows decentralized system of food distribution catering to more than 300 patients in various wards.

Daily meals served to indoor patients:

Breakfast: South Indian
Mid-morning: Soup
Lunch: A square meal as per the clinical condition
Evening: Tea or milk with snacks
Dinner: South Indian

Types of diet for indoor patients:

  • Basic: Normal diet, soft diet, semi-solid diet, liquid diet, blenderized diet, etc.
  • Therapeutic: High protein diet, salt restricted diet, bland diet, fat-free diet, specialist diet, diabetic diet, renal diet, neutropenic diet for cancer patients ,tube feeds, etc.
  • Antenatal diet

Outpatient services:

Attaining optimal health through the intake of nutritious food is an ongoing journey and not the destination. Health and lifestyle goals are achieved only through initiating change. The nutrition clinic is run by the department to assess your current dietary habits, identify your specific requirements and help structure a health plan for sustainable change. The clinic provides expert guidance on all nutrition and health related matters. Well qualified and highly experienced chief dietitian translates scientific information about nutrition and health into practical dietary advice.


Key Features

  • Nutritional assessment and /or advice about healthy eating to improve health status for patients and their family members
  • Risk assessment for patients and their family members
  • Lifestyle counseling for prevention of certain disease conditions
  • Management of existing disease condition, requiring a dietary update or answers to specific queries

Diet counseling for clinical conditions

The nutrition clinic offers diet counseling for the following clinical conditions

  • Underweight
  • Obesity
  • Childhood obesity
  • Gout
  • Fatty liver
  • Cirrhosis of liver
  • Lipid (cholesterol) management
  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes type I & II
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Digestion problems like acidity, flatulence, constipation, etc.
  • Celiac disease
  • Children diet (including weaning period)
  • Pregnancy
  • PCOD
  • Thyroid
  • Renal (on or not on dialysis)
  • Cancer (pre/post operative, on chemo/other treatment)
  • Arthritis