How hair transplant works? - MMHRC

How hair transplant works?
652 Views March 14, 2022

Hair Transplantation

A hair transplant is a daycare procedure involving extraction of hair from the back of the scalp (donor area) to the bald areas showing hair thinning (recipient area). Although hair transplantations are typically used to treat scalp baldness in men, they can also be used to fill in scars caused by accidents or surgery over scalp, moustache and beard area. It is also useful to treat female pattern baldness after evaluation.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

In FUT, after the patient’s scalp is numbed, the doctor removes a thin strip of tissue containing hair from the back of the scalp. The donor strip is then separated into individual follicular units and transplanted to bald areas.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method of extracting follicular units one-by-one from a donor area using a motorized punch. Individual extracted follicular units are then transplanted. Once extracted, the donor area heals in 3 days.

The advantages of FUE are,

  • Not leaving a linear donor scar
  • No stitch
  • Faster healing time
  • A patient can cut their hair very short
  • Return to work quickly