Meenakshi Mission Hospital Madurai Becomes India’s Safest Hospital Offering Ultra Protection Against Covid-19 Infection – MMHRC

6-Stage Protection Programme against at MMHRC

Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre (MMHRC) is providing a six-stage protection programme against Covid-19 infection, said the, hospital, in a statement on Thursday. By rolling out what the hospital terms as the ‘Six-stage ultra-safety program’MMHRC is offering the highest possible protection to its patients, visitors, and the staff against Covid-19 infection, the statement read.

The first stage of protection is contactless temperature surveillance of visitors by security personnel, who wear smart infrared artificial intelligence helmets. The second stage of protection ensured through the fever clinic that functions at the reception area of the hospital. At the fever clinic, it is ensured that visitors wear N-95 masks and maintain hand hygiene, the statement continued. The third stage of protection is facilitated through smart thermal surveillance cameras that continuously and remotely check temperature of everyone on the premises. Covid-19 tests fall under the fourth stage. Disinfection/Sterilisation of surfaces on the hospital premises with the help of robots forms the fifth stage. The sixth and final stage involves the service of robots that carry food and medicines to patient’s rooms.

Hospital Chairman Dr. Gurushankar said “The intent is create layers of protection against Covid-19 infection for the patients, who need treatment for various other ailments, as well as for the hospital’s doctors, paramedical and administrative staff so that they can render their services without any fear of getting infected.”

Presently, MMHRC is the only hospital in South Tamil nadu to produce in-house N-95 masks, and use three different advanced technologies for Covid-19 testing

Date: 14.08.2020

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