Madurai Comedy Forum’s 31st Anniversary was held at Meenakshi Mission Hospital

‘Madurai Comedy Forum’s 31st Anniversary’ was held at Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre. Organizing Secretary of Comedy Forum and Senior Manager Marketing of Meenakshi Mission Hospital – Mr. Pandiyarajan gave the welcome address on the occasion. The Secretary of Comedy Forum. Prof. M. Gnanasambandhan delivered a keynote address on the occasion. Television’s famous comedian Mrs. Aranthangi Nisha participated as a special guest.

Actor and comedian Mr. Vaiyapuri also visited the event. More than sixty achievers were awarded at the event. Prizes were also given to the children who told the best jokes. The event, which was attended by everyone from children to adults, welcomed the New Year with a bang.

Date: 01.01.2023

Source: Dailythanthi

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