Meenakshi Mission Hospital saves a 76 years old man from deadly heart rupture – MMHRC

Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre (MMHRC) has successfully treated a 76 years old man from Pudukottai, who was diagnosed with Ventricular Septal Rupture (VSR).

VSR is a rare complication in which the wall dividing the left and right ventricles of the heart develops a hole. If not treated, the blood in the two chambers starts mixing, flows to the lungs, and fills them, resulting in death. About 90% of patients with this complication die.

The meticulous treatment plan Post MI VSR Devise Closure planned by a multidisciplinary team achieved superior results for the patient. In the era of percutaneous coronary intervention, VSR during acute myocardial infarction is becoming less common, but mortality is still high. Prompt diagnosis is essential. To precisely time an attempt to close the defect is the key treatment challenge in VSR. When hemodynamic permits it, expectant care should be used due to the potential benefits of deferring surgery.”

The event-less procedure, done under general anesthesia, took around two hours to complete. The patient was discharged 4 days after the procedure and resumed all normal activities.

Date: 29.03.2023

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