Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at MMHRC is first of its kind in south Tamil Nadu providing quality critical care since 2011. The PICU is an 8 bedded unit with state of the art diagnostic and treatment facilities providing the highest level of care for critically ill children.
- Well trained and qualified Pediatric Intensivist
- 24 / 7 care by Pediatric resident doctors
- Nursing care – Well trained critical care nurses providing care at 1:1 nurse patient ratio
- Support team – Respiratory therapist, Physiotherapist, Dietitian and a social worker to counsel the parents
- Multispeciality team – Pediatric surgery, Pediatric hemato-oncology, Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology and Cardiology
- Isolation room – A separate isolation room with barrier nursing facility to manage immunocompromised children and children with contagious diseases like chickenpox, measles, tuberculosis and MRSA infection
- Mechanical ventilators
- Non invasive ventilation – BIPAP, HFNC
- Bedside Echocardiography, Ultrasound
- Monitoring
- Intra – arterial blood pressure (IBP) monitoring
- Continuous end tidal CO2 (ET CO2) monitoring
- Invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring
- Continuous EEG
Bedside Procedures
- Chest tube placements
- Peritoneal dialysis, Hemodialysis
- Bronchoscopy – flexible and rigid
- Introsseous line placement
- Bone marrow aspiration & biopsy
- External ventricular drain (EVD)
Pediatric procedural sedation services
We assist the pediatric oncology and pediatric surgery department by providing sedation for minor operative procedures and for bone marrow aspiration and intrathecal chemotherapy procedures.
PICU Transport Service
A Pediatric ICU transport team mobilizes sick children from referral centers to PICU
Family Centered Care
- Hospitalization of a child in PICU is extremely stressful for both the child and their family; hence a family centered care is very much needed. We consider families as part of our team and regularly discuss their child’s condition, ongoing treatment and further plans and actively involve them in the decision making process. As a policy, we encourage the parents to be at the bedside with their children during the treatment process.
- We deliver comprehensive, compassionate and quality care to the children and their families.
- Referral doctors are regularly updated about the status of their patients and are referred back to them for further follow up.

Dr. S.Senthil Kumar
MD(Ped), FNB (Ped crit care), FPCC (ISCCM)