Diplomate of National Board

Diplomate of National Board

Information for DNB and CRRI (Internships) at Meenakshi Mission:

The National Board of Examination in Medical Science has accredited MMHRC with 22 PG Courses – 10 Broad Specialties, 9 Super specialities and 3 Fellowship Course. Students who are selected for the PG Courses, as per the existing NBEMS norms, complete their course at the end of the time period stipulated by the NBEMS. The candidates appear for the theory examination of the NBEMS and follow further guidelines of the NBEMS.

MMHRC is one of the prestigious Hospitals recognized for the Compulsory Rotating Internship Course (CRRI) by the Medical Council of India.

What are the Residency programs and details regarding each course?

There are Ten Broad Specialty PG Courses and Nine Super Specialty Courses as indicated below. The subjects of Orthopedics, Anesthesiology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Pediatrics have an additional Secondary seat for every primary seat. Secondary seats are filled by candidates who have completed the respective Diploma Courses. The current duration of the Primary seat PG course is three years and the Secondary seat is two years. Both primary and secondary candidates have to clear the NEET PG exam just before the National Academic selection.

The department of CTVS and Neurosurgery run six years of courses admitting Candidates after MBBS & NEET PG.

The following programs are being offered in Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre.

Post Graduate (Broad Specialty):

Eligibility  No of Seats
Secondary Selection
 Anaesthesiology MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary) MBBS & Diploma Course (Secondary) + PD NEET/ PD CET Pass  5 seats  3 seats (36 months)  2 seats (24 months)  Every year
 Family Medicine MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary)  4 seats  4 seats (36 months)  Every year
 General Medicine MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary)  3 seats  3 seats (36 months)  –  Every year
 General Surgery MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary)  2 seats 3 seats (36 months)  –  Every year
Obstetrics & Gynecology MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary) MBBS & Diploma Course (Secondary) + PD NEET/ PD CET Pass 4 seats 2 seats
(36 months)
 2 seats (24 months)  Every year
 Orthopedics Surgery  MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary) MBBS & Diploma Course (Secondary) + PD NEET/ PD CET Pass 5 seats   3 seats
(36 months)
 2 seats
(24 months)
 Every year
 Radio Diagnosis  MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary) MBBS & Diploma Course (Secondary) + PD NEET/ PD CET Pass 3 seats   2 seats
(36 months)
 1 seats
(24 months)
 Every year
 Paediatrics MBBS & NEET Pass (Primary) MBBS & Diploma Course (Secondary) + PD NEET/ PD CET Pass 4 seats  2 seats
(36 months)
 2 seats
(24 months)
Every year

Post Graduate (Super Specialty):

No of Seats
 Nephrology  MBBS, MD / DNB Medicine & NEET / CET Pass  2 seats  36 months January each year
Surgical Gastroenterology  MBBS, MS / DNB Surgery & NEET / CET Pass  2 seats  36 months January each year
 Urology  MBBS, MS / DNB Surgery & NEET / CET Pass  2 seats  36 months January each year
Medical Oncology  MBBS, MD / DNB General Medicine & Radio Therapy NEET SS Pass  2 seats  36 months January each year
Cardiac Anaesthesia MBBS, MD / DNB Anaesthesiology & NEET SS Pass  2 seats  36 months January each year
 Cardio Thoracic Surgery (Direct 6 years)  MBBS & NEET / CET Pass  1 seat  72 months January each year
 Neurosurgery (Direct 6 years)  MBBS & NEET / CET Pass  2 seats  72 months January each year
Cardiology MD(General Medicine) / DNB (General Medicine) & NEET / CET Pass  1 seats  36 months January each year
Critical Care Medicine MD (General Medicine) / DNB (General Medicine/Paediatrics) & NEET / CET Pass  2 seats  36 months January each year
Neurology MD Gen Medicine/DNB General Medicine  2 seats  36 months January each year

Fellowship of National Board:

Selection is by the NBE. The Candidate is appointed to the Institute / Hospital

 Department  Eligibility No of Seats  Duration
 Minimal Access Surgery  MBBS.,MS / DNB (General Surgery) & FET Pass  2 seats  24 months  January each year
Interventional Cardiology MBBS.,MD / DNB (General Medicine) & DM / DNB Cardiology + FET Pass  1   seat  24 Months  January each year
Spine Surgery MS Ortho/DNB Ortho  1   seat  24 Months  January each year

What are the benefit of doing a PG Course at Meenakshi Mission?

Doing a PG course at MMHRC can be an overwhelming experience!

  • The PGs have access to the state-of-the-art Medicare run by top-rated Medical Professionals and Consultants.
  • They get to see not only the routine cases but also rare and complicated cases. Clinical Cases – a therapeutic dilemma, diagnosed by the exhaustive medical facilities available with us.
  • They get to present clinical cases in the Clinical Society meet of MMHRC. This exercise sharpens their presentations.
  • The IMA MMHRC meet is held once a month. The students can take part in a lecture given by a visiting guest.
  • An enormous amount of knowledge is acquired when the students take part in the monthly patient care Review Meet.
  • In addition, PGs can take part in many CME’s conducted at MMHRC or at Madurai in their specialities.
  • They are taught the ‘Art of Practice’ by the Founder Chairman, Dr.Sethuraman over several days – an invaluable lesson for their future.

Other Benefits

  • Free Internet access and permission to acquire personal Internet
  • Access to a Library that is stocked with standard journals, books and videos
  • State-of-the-art classrooms
  • Videoconferencing by the NBE
  • PGs can avail medical treatment if required.
  • In case the PGs prefers accommodation outside the hospital, the administration will help search for a residence within 48hrs.
  • If the spouse is a doctor, there are opportunities for them to join as a medical officer/ PG/ Consultant

Special Benefits

  • The department allows them to take part in the local departmental teaching programmes.
  • They can also attend State, Regional and Conferences with paper presentations once a year.
  • On 30th June, each year the hospital conducts the DNB farewell to the PGs of that year with a dinner and hands over a completion certificate

What are the admission requirements for the programmes?

  • All candidates should have successfully completed MBBS, recognized by MCI and completed one year of Internship.
  • All Candidates interested in PG Courses (including) Secondary should have appeared in the NEET exam of NBE, conducted recently.
  • The selection of Primary Candidates is central whereas the selection of Super Specialty and Secondary candidates is done at the Institution.

But these can change.

  • The selection of PGs is based entirely on merit. Though there is an interview, it is to familiarize them with students and does not carry marks.
  • Interested candidates can request an application form from our Human Capital Department (HCD) and submit their applications.

We require candidates to complete the application form and submit the supporting documents:

  • MMHRC Application form
  • Compulsory medical examination test
  • Bio-data / Curriculum Vitae
  • Only Counselling Selected Candidates
  • NEET / CET pass certificate (Date of Examination)
  • NEET / CET mark sheet, All certificates original & xerox copies.

The rest of the courses commence in July. Thus the candidates applying for the January course should have passed NEET in December.

Currently, we have 100 PG’s being trained on campus.

The residency programs in MMHRC are accredited by the Indian Medical Council.

  • The PGs pay Rs.1,47,500 (at present) p.a in Jan as decided by the NBE.
  • These students get free accommodation in the hospital.
  • The stipend offered by the Hospital is more than that stipulated by NBE.
  • Broad speciality PGs get Rs.48,000, Rs.49,000 and Rs.50,000 for the first, second and third years
  • Super Specialty PGs get Rs. 57,500, Rs. 60,000, Rs.65,000 for the first, second and third years.
  • FNB Specialty PGs get Rs. 57,500, Rs. 60,000 for the first and second years.
  • Direct 6 years PGs get Rs.48,000, Rs.49,000, Rs.50,000, Rs. 57,500, Rs. 60,000 & Rs.65,000 for the first, second, third, fourth, fifth & sixth years
  • The stipend is enhanced by the management from time to time.
  • The hospital provides bachelor hostel accommodation
  • There are several restaurants on the hospital campus, providing meals at a subsidized cost for our medical resident and interns.
  • Each department has a fixed medical programme in six-month modules for each subject.
  • The student sees cases, discusses with seniors and gets to manage them, stepwise.
  • He / She will be requested to do night duties with suitable accommodation provided.
  • Each PG has to maintain a logbook and as well as write a thesis, guided by a Consultant in that speciality.
  • The PGs can present their work in conferences as well as write papers in the Madurai Medical Journal, a monthly medical bulletin distributed to 10000 practitioners around Madurai or contribute to other Journals.

There is a six-monthly review during the course when an external examiner will conduct a theory practical exam and check the logbook and thesis. Each speciality may conduct internal exams. The NBE will conduct the final exams at the end of two/ three years.

  • MMHRC is on the list of selected hospitals to conduct Residency Training.
  • Each year, we have an intake of 10-15 students who usually start the program in June-July
  • Students in the program receive a stipend of Rs.3,000 and have access to most of the services enjoyed by PG residents.
  • Yes, we encourage prospective PG students to visit our hospital and meet our current students and professors. Please contact the Chairman Academic so that we can schedule you in our medical rounds so you get to experience the daily life at the hospital.

Who can I contact for more information on courses being offered through Meenakshi Mission?

For more information on courses offered at MMHRC, please get in touch with:

Dr Ramesh Ardhanari, MS, M.Ch.(SGE), FRCS(G),
Medical Director & Head of the Institution,
Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre,
Lake Area, Melur Road,
Madurai – 625107, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: +91-452-426 3000 (ext 3440)
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]