Plastic Surgery


Plastic surgery is a super specialitity which defits surgical principles and thoughtful procedure to the unique needs of each individual patient by remodeling , reshaping & manipulating bone cartilage and all soft tissues.

The Department of Plastic Surgery at MMHRC is well-equipped to handle the most complex cases, backed by qualified doctors, top-of-the-line equipment and dedicated staff. In addition to cosmetic surgery, the department deals with corrective and reconstructive surgery, burns management, hand surgery and microsurgery for defects and improvement of bodily functions. This medical speciality is concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function.


  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Corrective surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Microvascular replantation
  • Correction of birth deformities
  • Correction of deformities due to injury

The services include:


  • Surgical removal of excess skin and repositioning of deep tissues in the face to correct skin stretches and sagging due to age.


  • Reduction, augmentation, deviation correction, rearrangement of nose tissues to give a better external appearance.

Breast Augmentation:

  • Surgical procedure for augmentation of small-sized breasts to a larger or more desirable size.

Micro Hair Transplantation:

  • Effective treatment for baldness that can be done under local anesthesia with no special dressing.

Body Contouring:

  • Effective treatment for baldness that can be done under local anesthesia with no special dressing.

Chemical Peel And Laser Peel:

  • Non-surgical procedures to remove fine lines around the eyelids (crows feet), lips and forehead.


  • Treating acne scars and wrinkles by removing superficial layers of the skin and making irregular surfaces smooth.


  • Repositioning of hanging breast tissues to correct pendulant breast.

Smile Train- Cleft Lip Palate Surgery:

The Cleft Lip & Palate surgery is recogconized as one of the the best centres in the world continuing in MMHRC. One child with Cleft Lip & Palate is born by every 600 – 1000 live births. The congenital deformity is born throughout the world. If surgeries done outside on Cleft Lip & Palate are not satisfied, these defective surgeries are also corrected with safety & quality. Surgery is the only remedy which gives second life to the baby, mother & society. 12,000 cases of Cleft Lip & Palate have done so far in MMHRC with Quality & safety.


Dr. Binita Beck

MS, M.Ch, (Plas. Sur)

Senior Consultant


MS, M.Ch, (Plas. Sur)

Hon. Visiting Consultant

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