The Meenakshi CDC is a specialized unit in the department of pediatrics with the mission of providing high quality, family centered services for children with developmental needs within a transdisciplinary framework. The goal is to assist every child to achieve his or her full potential.
For whom we serve
- Children with global developmental delay, cerebral palsy
- Post meningoencephalitic, traumatic children with sequelae
- Neuro regression children
- Children with difficulty in feeding, movement, hearing and vision
- Behavior problem, difficulty in socialization
- Autism who presents with not turning to name, poor eye to eye contact
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Speech and language disorder
- Children with difficulty in learning
- Children with emotional and social issues.
Services We Provide
Developmental screening all babies particularly graduates of neonatal intensive care unit (ICU), child with suspected developmental problems will undergo screening using TDSC,LEST ,DDST,MCHAT ext
Diagnostic confirmation
By Bailey4, INCLEN, CARS, Conners, VSMS, Weschler ext Vision and hearing domain is also important in identification of potentially handicapping conditions that may be prevented or ameliorated if addressed early.
After the comprehensive assessment, a management plan for each child will be constructed and explained in detail to parents and other caregivers of the child. Evidence based therapeutic protocols would be carried out by each specialist with regard to the needs of the children and facilitate the development.
Transdisciplinary approach
Approach to treatment integrates expertise and experience from several different and related professional disciplines. Each professional provides input, data and concepts to maximize each child’s individual treatment gains.
Family support services will be offered by social worker
- To provide psychosocial needs for the family and children
- To educate the parents about the benefits of government schemes that are available to the child’s condition.
Our Meenakshi CDC Team
- Developmental Pediatrician
- Pediatricians and Neonatologists
- Neurologists
- Paediatric Orthopedics
- Geneticist
- ENT Surgeon, Audiologist
- Psychiatrist
- Ophthalmologist
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational therapist
- Speech and language therapist
- Clinical psychologist
- Social worker and counselor
- Nutrition specialist

Dr. A. Kannan
MD, (Paed)
Senior Consultant

Dr. Uma Muralidharan
MBBS, D.Ch, DNB (Paed)
Senior Consultant

Dr .K. P. Arun Priya
MBBS.DCH.,DNB., (Paed),