Meenakshi Mission Hospital organizes CME on NEURO UPDATE 2022 in Madurai

Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre (MMHRC) along with the Indian Medical Association, Madurai Meenakshi Branch today organized Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme on “NEURO UPDATE 2022” at its hospital premises. There were 2 eminent speakers from South India and more than 150 doctors from various medical colleges, private hospitals, and clinics in and around India. The main objective of the CME program was to create awareness among healthcare professionals on the recent trends in management of Epilepsy and Stroke.

Epilepsy is one of common problem that Neurologist and neurosurgeons see in their day to day practice.Stroke is one of the leading cause of disability burden ,but if it is treated in the golden hour, the outcome will be excellent. This CME is to create awareness about this condition among healthcare professionals,General physicians,pediatricians and budding doctors and post graduates..

Source: Dailythanthi

Date: 08.11.2022

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