Meenakshi Mission Hospital distributes 1,000 free helmets in Madurai for road safety – MMHRC

Comprehensive efforts being taken by Madurai city police to improve road safety and reduce number of accidents have started showing results, said Commissioner of Police S. Davidson Devasirvatham here on Monday.

Speaking at a function organised as part of Road Safety Week, in association with Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, he said that the campaign carried out in December targeting zero fatal accidents resulted in reduction of deaths by more than 50%.

“While there were 25 deaths on an average every December, in 2018 we brought it down to 12. Importantly, only two people died in road accidents in the city in January till date. We are keen to ensure that the trend continued,” he said.

As part of the campaign on Monday, 1,000 helmets sponsored by Meenakshi hospital were distributed to those riding two-wheelers without helmets at various points in the city.

Pointing out that 69% of vehicles in India were two-wheelers, S. Gurushankar, Chairman of the hospital, said they were at increased risk since they shared the road with fast-moving cars and other heavy vehicles. “Injuries to the neck and -head are the major causes of deaths in road accidents, which are mainly caused be-cause the motorcycle and pillion riders do not wear helmet,” he said, expressing hope that the distribution of helmets will help reduce fatal accidents.

Source: The Hindu

Date: 22.01.19

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