The Department of ENT at MMHRC was the first of its kind in Madurai to start the Cochlear Implant Program. It also has a Sleep Lab to treat patients suffering from snoring issues. The department has a state-of-the-art audiology room equipped with pure tone audiometry impedance, BERA, OAE, and a full-time audiologist and speech pathologist. It also has an Audio Verbal (AV) therapist especially for children who have undergone the implant procedure. Together with Pediatrics, the ENT department also runs a neonatal hearing screening program. Newborns with suspected hearing impairment are followed up closely and are treated.
Our ENT specialists successfully handle a broad range of ENT / Otorhinolaryngeal disorders and diseases. We use the latest technological innovation for these.
- State-of-the-art ZEISS microscope to perform all ear surgeries and STORZ endoscopy for nasal surgeries.
- HD STRYKER three-chip camera for total excision of all pituitary tumors, closure of CSF rhinorrhoea, and excision of benign and malignant nose tumors.
- Coblator facility to perform the excision of laryngeal / pharyngeal tumors and tonsillectomy.
- Polysomnography for the evaluation of snoring, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders.
- BERA and OAE to diagnose the type of hearing loss.
- Micro laryngeal surgeries for vocal cord lesions such as papilloma, polyp, or vocal nodule.
Available Services
Ear (Otology):
- Cochlear implants for children with congenital hearing loss.
- Mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty for CSOM.
- Stapedectomy for otosclerosis.
- Ossiculoplasty (TITANIUM PROSTHESIS) to improve hearing.
- Facial nerve decompression for facial trauma with palsy.
- Management of MIDDLE EAR and mastoid tumors such as facial nerve schwannoma, glomus tympanicum, and glomus jugulare.
- Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy
- Micro laryngeal surgery for vocal cord polyps
- Tongue tie release.
- Oesophageal foreign body removal.
- Bronchial foreign body removal
- Phono surgery for vocal cord paralysis
Nose (Rhinology):
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery – for nasal polyps and sinusitis.
- Endoscopic Sphenopalatine artery cauterization – for recurrent epistaxis.
- Endoscopic Excision of all benign and malignant tumours of the nose including Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma (JNA)
- Endoscopic closure of spontaneous and post-traumatic CSF Rhinorrhoea.
- Endoscopic approach to pituitary.
- Endoscopic optic nerve decompression.
- Total & Partial maxillectomy for Carcinoma of maxillary sinuses.
- Endoscopic management of Choanal atresia.
- Endoscopic Dacryo Cysto rhrinostomy for chronic Dacryocystitis.
Head & Neck:
- Hemi & Total Thyroidectomy for Thyroid adenomas & malignancies.
- Superfacial & radical parotoidectomy – for parotid adenomas & malignancies.
- Submandibular Gland excision – for sialadenitis & tumours.
- Stones in the Submandibular duct – removal of stone intraorally without Gland excision.
- Tracheal resection and reconstruction – for subglottic stenosis & Tracheal Stenosis.
- Carcinoma larynx & hypopharynx.(a.Stage 1 & 2 Carcinoma Larynx. – Coblation excision, no need for RT)(b.Stage 4
- Carcinoma Larynx – Total Laryngectomy.)
- Hemiglossectomy for Carcinoma tongue.
- Commando Procedure for buccal mucosa Cancers
- Management of all benign tumours of Head & Neck.
- Neck Dissection
Facial Plastic:
- Rhinoplasty for deviated nose/depressed nose.
- Single stage 3 D reconstruction for babies born with microtia & anotia.
- Management of basal cell Carcinoma of Nose and face with appropriate reconstruction.
- Management of facial laceration and Fracture nasal bones.

Senior Consultant

Dr. Rakesh R Bright
MS.,(ENT) DNB.,Fell.Rhiology
Associate Consultant

Dr. P. Ganesh Babu